Mobile Fasting - An Approach For Brain Detoxification

Introduction The ongoing century wherein the world is deeply plunged in science & technology, electronics & communication & the Internet, a common man just can't undo a day without his/her mobile phones, to be more specific from Social Networking. It's become part & parcel of our everyday life. Even before our eyes could open in the morning and before we remember our Almighty, it's our mobile phone which is in our hand, be it while going for a walk, be it while working out at gym, be it while taking bath & listening to the music or watching a movie, be it while cooking or washing dishes, be it while eating, be it while interacting with our family or friends,even be it while going to bed. These mobile phones have traveled across the world & there is no place left untouched. Right from the toilet commode to the most auspicious place of our home, mobile phones are found everywhere. Right from every newborn child to every senior citizen it's present ...

Smart Approaches For Budding Teachers To Become Prospective Future Teacher Leaders In Empowering Our Nation




If you are a teacher by choice and not by price then you are the right person to read this article. 


The term Teacher Leaders or Leadership refers to that set of skills demonstrated by teachers who continue to teach students but also have an influence that extends beyond their own classrooms to others within their own school and elsewhere.

A Teacher is known by the skills and content knowledge that he/she possesses. 

A Teacher is known by the unique teaching style that he/she possesses. 

A Teacher is known by the motherly love she showers for her students. 

A Teacher is known for the cool temper he/she carries. 

A Teacher is known for the special interest he/she showers for the students. 

A Teacher is known for the patience she exhibits even after repeated doubt clearing.



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Why does our nation require Teacher Leaders to lead our country?

Presently the 4 different stakeholders of a School i.e., MANAGEMENT, TEACHERS, STUDENTS AND PARENTS are facing numerous difficulties regarding the poor guidance of teachers, low academic record, no development in school structure, poor feedback from parents etc. A teacher leader is expected to work on all these aspect to see an all round development of our country. So, Our country needs unique leaders and not followers to empower our learners. There is a long going debate on whether a Leader is Born or Made. Whatever be the right statement, if you are born a leader that's a great inspiration, if not, then it's an opportunity. 

  1. Upliftment of Students: Students need motivation and guidance in developing their life skills, to move in a proper direction, to choose a clear path, and to be successful all throughout their lives. 

  1. Empowering Nation: Our nation needs leaders who can influence learners to give their best for their nation. Only a Teacher who is the one closest to the learners is able to build good citizens in these learners who can eventually serve their nation in the best possible way. 

  1. Developing School: A school needs a leader apart from the management or the principal who can bring a positive change for the development of the students community, ultimately helping in the development of the school. 

  1. Parents Satisfaction: A teacher leader is required to bring in utmost satisfaction among the parents that they be content and satisfied that their children are in the smart and safe hands of a great leader. 

  1. Betterment of Community: A teacher leader is required for the positive development of the community to make our community strong and stable in the understanding of all the working of the education system. 

  1. Educational Awareness: A teacher leader is required to spread educational awareness among the nation's citizens so that every child born on the earth is enrolled in the school for getting educated and developing self. 

Here is the list of 15 Smart Approaches For Budding Teachers To Become Prospective Future Teacher Leader In Empowering Our Nation:

  1. Be a Good Listener 

The first and foremost thing expected from a teacher leader is, they should have the great ability to listen to the queries of other people and analyse the query logically and then come to an apt conclusion. Be Alert with each and every word and note down all the points carefully so that you can give them the best possible solution. 

  1. Be an Excellent Communicator

After having listened to the queries of your student, parent, or principal give the best possible convincing answer to them. Your communication should be at par with excellence so that no person should leave your presence without getting satisfied with your words. Be humble, respectful, and loving in your approach. 

  1. Be of Strong Commitment

Being a teacher leader you should be strongly committed towards your roles and duties towards your students in making them a good citizen, towards your parents, towards your school for all-round development and towards yourself for professional development and growth of self. 

  1. Be an Expert in your Subject Specialization

It is not expected that a teacher leader should be a master in all the languages and subjects but it is expected that he or she should be greatly moved and professionally in touch with all the recent changes, growths, development and upcoming research in his or her particular choice of subject. Subscribe for subject specific journals, refer plenty of reference books etc. Help in making your subject easy and love to be with the learners. 

  1. Be Focused on your Goals

Every teacher leader should have well defined and clearly framed goals set for the overall development of the school. Each goal should be divided into small and easy objectives in order to make it easy to accomplish. Make a detailed task book and update it on a daily basis to check your progress towards your goal. 

  1. Be an Initiator

A teacher leader should have the capability to initiate things by self and bring in the required positive change necessary for the development of the school and boost the growth. Be in the forefront to set yourself as an example for others to learn and lead. 

  1. Be Passionate

Passion is a prime factor if you want to make yourself a successful teacher leader.  Without passion you cannot do anything. Always be motivated enough so that your passion doesn't slow down but always at the peak to bring in great and positive change for the society. 

  1. Possess Positive Attitude

Positivity is the key to making impossible things possible. A teacher leader should always have a positive attitude and spread the same positivity in her surroundings to enable a positive growth around her for the upliftment of the society and community. 

  1. Be Collaborative

As it is greatly said, UNITED WE STAND, DIVIDED WE FALL. A teacher leader is the one who leads his team and works collaboratively with the team to set an example for others to get motivated enough in doing the task undertaken with utmost perfection, sincerity and dedication. 

  1. Be an Innovator

A teacher leader is always on a run of developing and trying something new and differently. Be it trying some new way of teaching students, unique way of solving a problem or some new invention in the subject of interest. 

  1. Be Confident

Confidence is very essential to kill out all the negativity around you. A teacher leader should be very stable and firm such that whatever he undertakes as a challenge he will be confident in exhibiting his skills perfectly and be successful. 

  1. Manage Time Wisely

Time once gone can never return. Hence it is very important for a teacher leader to plan his activities in such a way that he gives justice to every work undertaken. Plan out your day wisely. Utilize your time wisely. Give in every minute to do a productive task producing best results. 

  1. Be a Celebrator

A Teacher leader ensures that his team wins in all the tasks, and accomplish great success. A teacher leader celebrates the successful completion of the task undertaken by his team. It can be by felicitating the winners, appreciating the extra efforts of the co- teachers, support of the parents and guidance of the school management. 

  1. Be a Problem Resolver

Come what may, a teacher leader strives hard to find the possible solution to the problems of the student, school, teachers or parents. Solution can be in the form of a piece of advice, or in the form of guidance or in the form of doing a certain task. But should provide the best solution for every problem. 

  1. Be Yourself

And last but not the least, Be yourself. Do not wear a fake mask on you to showcase the fake qualities or potential present in you. However you are, be the same. Do not copy others' style but have a unique style of yours. Win the hearts of your students, parents, co- teachers and management with your uniqueness. 

Feeling motivated to do something extra, walk a little more mile, Manage Intelligently, communicate sharply, boost passionately, positively energetic, and to celebrate your leadership? 

What are you waiting for? Grab the opportunity and show your skills. Become a teacher leader and shape students' futures. 


Ponder on:

If Your Actions Inspire Others, 

To Dream More, Learn More, 

Do More and Become More. 


- John Quincy Adams

By Shobha Joy Gaddam

(Academician & Educator) 


  1. Excellent way to create confidence amongst learner teachers. 🙏


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