Mobile Fasting - An Approach For Brain Detoxification

Introduction The ongoing century wherein the world is deeply plunged in science & technology, electronics & communication & the Internet, a common man just can't undo a day without his/her mobile phones, to be more specific from Social Networking. It's become part & parcel of our everyday life. Even before our eyes could open in the morning and before we remember our Almighty, it's our mobile phone which is in our hand, be it while going for a walk, be it while working out at gym, be it while taking bath & listening to the music or watching a movie, be it while cooking or washing dishes, be it while eating, be it while interacting with our family or friends,even be it while going to bed. These mobile phones have traveled across the world & there is no place left untouched. Right from the toilet commode to the most auspicious place of our home, mobile phones are found everywhere. Right from every newborn child to every senior citizen it's present ...

10 Domains Seeking Attention Of A Newly Trained Teacher To Continue Teaching With Elated Passion

I think that in order to be  successful, women have to figure out what they’re passionate about first. No matter what you aspire to, you’ve got to love what you do in order to be successful at it.”

                                  - Michelle Obama

Teachers are the crucial stakeholders of the education system. Teachers are those factors on which the holistic growth and development of any student is dependent upon. Teachers are those powers which impart a positive value and spirit in students. Teachers are those solutions to which a student always looks upon. How are these teachers developed? A teacher training programme is responsible for creating professional teachers in our country. Teacher training produces about millions of teachers every year. Teacher training focuses not only on training a student for teaching and learning but develops an overall professional with greater love for the subject, compassion for the profession, and respect for the other co- teachers. It makes a teacher academically and technically skilled professional.Teaching is hence, a noble profession with a greater focus on continuous professional growth and development to reach the standards of the ever changing smart needs of the students and the amazing potentials of their brains. 

Not every teacher who completes a teacher training degree becomes successful in their profession. Only 3 out of 10 newly trained teachers achieve greater heights in their profession and the rest just manage to settle and struggle every time. Achievements, Success and Appreciation follow only those who are passionate every moment about their profession to bring a developing change in the system. 


  1. Renewed Energy

Newly trained teachers are very high in energy, ever ready to do things with extra effort. They carry a wide positive attitude towards every challenge that they take up and ensure to be victorious in those. They spread positivity and cheerful vibrations wherever they stand. 

  1. Love For Work

Newly trained teachers love the work they take up. Be it teaching in class, motivating students, organising activities, imposing classroom discipline etc. They do everything from their heart, no doubt that the ideas are ignited by their sharp brain. 

  1. Multi Task

Newly trained teachers are always in the hunt of searching for great opportunities to add into the list of professional achievements. They are curious about multi-tasking and grab opportunities to do other activities too along with their formal job. They have a good sense of time management and skills to manage things wisely. 

  1. Elated Passion

Newly trained teachers are very high in passion. They are ever ready on their feet to do something or the other extra to gain the attention of the learners and the other colleagues. They love to experiment new things, create new ways of making things easy and super cool for the learners. They do not show boredom in the things they love. 

  1. Sincerity

Newly trained teachers are very sincere in their work. They finish their work on time and do not procrastinate. They prioritize and do things with better planning. They obey every command and orders given by their superiors and respect them wholeheartedly. 

These characteristics are exhibited by almost every student who enrolls and successfully completed the teacher training course. These characteristics stay enlightened till a period of a few years only but slowly it reduces due to poor professional growth, loss of passion, boredom with the regular work allotted, health issues, unsupportive management and administrators. 

Here is the list of 10 domains of improvement for a newly trained teacher to continue teaching with elated passion:

If a newly trained teacher dedicatedly follows these points throughout his teaching profession, then I am sure that you will reach greater heights than what you actually expected. 

  1. Achievable Objective

Many new teachers in high passion and high qualifications frame objectives for themselves and for the class which seems difficult for self and students to accomplish and achieve. Teachers write plan A in their lesson plan but while executing they experiment plan B or hardly follow any such SOP. They keep themselves in their mind while framing the objectives of the lesson and making it go bouncer for the students. These creates a lot of confusion and misunderstanding among the students. Hence, how much ever qualified a teacher is, should frame simple objectives which can easily achieved by the students. Avoid difficult and confusing task but break them down into simple understanding and easier one to work on. 

  1. Curious Activities

The 21st century students are very fast forward, so before we could say anything they already know much in details about certain facts. We being a new teacher should be so creative in framing activities for our class that it should definitely rise the curiosity level of the students. Activities which are from olden days or doing some repeated create a kind of distraction, loss of interest and pulls a student away from the class thereby creating a stereotypical image of a teacher. Make new teaching aids by self instead of just using the one available in the school. Enter your every lecture with something new in your treasure box and experience the magic it spreads on the education achievements and outcomes of a student. 

  1. Technophilic Approach 

Students generally have a great liking towards a techno savvy teacher with superb expertise in the subject of teaching. Educational technology has a great impact on the learning outcomes of the students. Ensure to use wise technologies like different teaching apps and different softwares to make your process interesting. Use of engaging videos, images, PDFs, e - Notes etc help to grab complete attention of the class thereby maintaining classroom discipline too. So if you are not the one who is techno savvy then ensure to learn every new educational technology that is launched in the market to keep yourself technologically forward. 

  1. Wrap Confidence

Due to the regular pattern of work being executed in the schools or colleges, new teachers experience boredom very soon in their professional life with little or no scope for building self and students' confidence. As a teacher your first aim should be to wrap a positive attitude full of confidence and boldness around your students and yourself always in every situation. Your likes and dislikes should not have any effects on the learning outcomes of students. Always strive to build confidence in your students and never make them feel left away. 

  1. Search Around

Many teachers fail to recognize the beautiful surroundings that we are surrounded with. There are a plethora of examples in our surroundings to ease learning. But teachers use certain examples which are difficult for a learner to imagine and understand too. Search and Use simple realistic examples around you to ease students' learning process. 

  1. Unbox Rewards

Many new teachers in the beginning of their career follow the SOP of teaching by praising a child or giving a response to the child when they give the right answers. But sooner they stop this method due to too much workload and pressure of completing the syllabus. Always continue to reward your students with the best in everything that you can do for them. Appreciation words add a lot of values and worth to your class thereby helping a student to always remain motivated during the class. Plan out for certain new rewards every month like the Great writer of the month, Mr or Ms Perfect Homework, Most Disciplined etc

  1. Unleash Secrets

Newly trained teachers have the habit of sharing many tips and tricks of remembering a concept better in a variety of ways. This creates a much professional and smart image of a teacher among their students but later in a few years they lose their charm of teaching and just manage to settle students by rote - learn and memorize the difficult task. The key for gaining the better attention of your students is to give them secrets in every lecture so that they just cling to your teaching like a magnet, indirectly helping every student in gaining better learning outcomes. 

  1. Fun Learning

Humour is the key reason why many students prefer a specific teacher's lecture and wish to avoid the others. The key to win the hearts of your students as a new teacher is to always make your lecture fun to be in. Always continue your teaching by giving a laugh break in between by cracking jokes or making fun of certain ongoing chapters in between. Students generally do not prefer a long hour lecture with only teaching and no humour. They get bored and feel sleepy, and easily get distracted in the lecture. So plan your classes accordingly in advance. 

  1. Proactive Actions

Act, but do not over react. As a teacher your actions speak a lot more than your teaching. Get totally involved in the lesson, take the students to a fairy ride that they feel awesome everytime when your lecture is scheduled. Let your actions speak. Give encouraging gestures, facial expressions, create a beautiful scene, invite students to enact a role etc. 

  1. Deep Love 

And last but not the least, Every teacher should have deep diving love for your subject of interest. Only having passion for your teaching is not sufficient if you are not able to do justice to your subject. Be a worm in keeping yourself updated about what is happening in your subject, the progress, the new achievements, the recent research carried out etc. Love your subject, only then the gates of being a smart and professional teacher will be opened for you. 


7 Things That Every Teacher Should Practice In Professional Life

Hope this article has energised your lost passion and potentials and has boosted a renewed you in yourself. Start a new journey, give your best service and change the community. Empower the students and build wise citizens for our nation. 


"Passion is energy. Feel the power that comes from focusing on what excites you.”

                                     - Oprah Winfrey


By Shobha Joy Gaddam

(Academician & Educator) 


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