Mobile Fasting - An Approach For Brain Detoxification

Introduction The ongoing century wherein the world is deeply plunged in science & technology, electronics & communication & the Internet, a common man just can't undo a day without his/her mobile phones, to be more specific from Social Networking. It's become part & parcel of our everyday life. Even before our eyes could open in the morning and before we remember our Almighty, it's our mobile phone which is in our hand, be it while going for a walk, be it while working out at gym, be it while taking bath & listening to the music or watching a movie, be it while cooking or washing dishes, be it while eating, be it while interacting with our family or friends,even be it while going to bed. These mobile phones have traveled across the world & there is no place left untouched. Right from the toilet commode to the most auspicious place of our home, mobile phones are found everywhere. Right from every newborn child to every senior citizen it's present ...

7 Factors To Be The Best Student Of The Year


Do you desire to win your teacher's heart with simplicity? 

Do you want to impress your classmates without any complexity? 

Do you aim to hold your name forever in your school and college even after you pass out ? 

Do you wish to become a Messiah of your fellow friends in times of academic difficulty? 

If yes,then, do read the article till the end. 

As a learner, it's a great struggle for every one to compete best among the other thousands of learners and stand tall in the criteria for BEST STUDENT. 

Best student doesn't mean that one has to be extremely intelligent in academics only but it emphasizes on, to be an all rounder in everything that the school or college offers. Thereby leading to the holistic development of the learner. Most young people believe that all they need to do in order to be the best students is to work hard to earn knowledge and get the highest scores. As they grow up, they finally realize that a best student also needs to be an active person in the community and a well-prepared worker for the future.


  1. Personality

Your first impression is the last impression. So, Personality Development should start early in a student's life which is a true reflection of their inner being. Personality development is defined as a process of developing and enhancing one's personality. Personality development helps an individual to gain confidence and high self esteem. Personality development also is said to have a positive impact on one's communication skills and the way he sees the world.

To be the best student and develop one's personality one should learn: 

  1. Be a Good Communicator

  2. Be a Silent Listener

  3. Be Perfect in your work

  4. Be Approachable

  5. Help other classmates

  6. Be Yourself

  1. Academically

Academically the student has to be sharp. Academic development helps students build competencies that also help students personally, socially, and in a career. Academic development helps a student to be updated in their field of knowledge and helps in involvement ang grooming of self understanding and insights of a particular subject. 

Try to input the following tips and techniques for academic development:

  1. Read the textbook in advance

  2. Refer different reference books

  3. Subscribe for academic journals and magazines

  4. Finish your assignments and projects before time

  5. Participate in seminars and conferences 

  6. Pay attention in classroom when the teacher teaches

  7. Refer online resources on a daily basis. 

  8. Know how about of your subject

  9. Be quick in answering the analytical and challenging questions put forth by your teacher

  1. Socially

School is not only a place where children learn reading and  writing. It is also a place where they learn to get along with other people and develop social skills. Social skills are the skills we need to interact adaptively in our cultural environment. As a student we should be very friendly and easily approachable. Getting involved with other classmates junior or senior to you is very crucial in building social bonding and social ethics. 

Participation in the following activities will help you as a student to build socially:

  1. Storytelling and Enacting

  2. Group Projects

  3. Group Assignments

  4. Class Monitor

  5. Classroom Incharge

  6. School Minder

  7. Role Play

  8. School Assembly

  1. Emotionally

Social skills play a very important role in a child’s emotional health and well-being. Without friendships, school can be a very unhappy, lonely place that a child might want to avoid. Emotional development is vital in helping children grow into well adjusted adults. Being able to identify different feelings, express them (through words/pictures) and process the difficult emotions. Emotions enable children to be healthy emotionally and psychologically.

Practicing the following activities will help you as a student to become emotionally strong:

  1. Practice different psychological techniques to control anger. Eg:1) When you experience anger just count numbers from 1 to 10 in your mind with your eyes closed. 2) Pinch your palm hard with all the four fingers of your hand and your thumb projecting out. 

  2. Participate in Thanksgiving

  3. Writing Stories

  4. Exploring Self Skills

  5. Making friends with all kinds of students, good or bad, as in every person you learn something different

  6. Dance your way out to your interesting song or music

  7. Sing a song to boost your morale and confidence

  8. Visiting a nearby Old age home or an Orphanage

  9. Saving a penny everyday and giving to the needy on your birthday

  1. Professionally

Professional development is learning to earn or maintain professional credentials such as academic degrees to formal coursework and attending conferences. Attending professional development courses will increase your expertise in your field and, as a result, build confidence in the work you do. This confidence will carry over into the classroom when you come back to your teachers, families or friends and share what you learned. Research shows that professional development leads to better instruction and improved student learning when it connects to the curriculum materials that teachers use, the district and state academic standards that guide their work, and the assessment and accountability measures that evaluate their success.

Participation in the following activities as a student will help you in your professional development:

  1. Participation in challenging competitions

  2. Participation in subject specific olympiad exams

  3. Subscribing for educational journals and magazines

  4. Actively enrolling in different seminars or workshops

  5. Referring different reference books instead of just the single textbook

  6. Visiting different companies and industries of interest

  7. Field visits and excursions

  8. Enrolling in short term computer courses 

  9. Enrolling in different certification online courses

  1. Creatively

Creative development and the ‘Arts’ can have a significant impact on the health and well-being of individuals. They promote confidence, self-esteem, support emotional development and physical well-being. Creative activities can be used to express and communicate ideas, thoughts and feelings openly and without judgement. Being able to create something e.g. a picture from their personal feelings and experiences supports and nurtures emotional health. In any creative activity, what is important is freedom of expression to help express feelings. Creative activities can help one as a student to understand the feelings and emotions of individuals.

Participation in the following activities as a student will help you in your creativity development:

  1. Practice Digital photography

  2. Learn Dance

  3. Learn Music 

  4. Practice Horticulture and gardening 

  5. Participation in Drama Or Skits

  6. Participation in different Exhibitions and workshops

  7. Practice Creative writing

  8. Fashion Designing

  1. Physically

Physical activities promote healthy growth and development. It helps build a healthier body composition, stronger bones and muscles. It also improves the child’s cardiovascular fitness. Physical activities help in the development of better motor skills and in concentration and thinking skills. Children who have higher levels of physical activity during their childhood are likely to be more active even after they mature. This is important for better health and well-being.

Practicing the following activities will help in the physical development:

  1. Consumption of healthy balanced food

  2. Drinking minimum 3 to 4 liters of water in a day

  3. Participating in at least one sport activity

  4. Performing recreational activities

  5. Enroll in  dance academy

  6. Be regular in practicing the PE exercises taught in school

  7. Do early morning walk and go on a natures trail

Wasn't that interesting to know? By following these simple steps you can become THE BEST STUDENT by developing yourself holistically and bring laurels to yourself, your parents, your associated and extended families, your friends and your Nation at large. 


By Shobha Joy Gaddam

(Academician & Educator) 


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