Mobile Fasting - An Approach For Brain Detoxification

Introduction The ongoing century wherein the world is deeply plunged in science & technology, electronics & communication & the Internet, a common man just can't undo a day without his/her mobile phones, to be more specific from Social Networking. It's become part & parcel of our everyday life. Even before our eyes could open in the morning and before we remember our Almighty, it's our mobile phone which is in our hand, be it while going for a walk, be it while working out at gym, be it while taking bath & listening to the music or watching a movie, be it while cooking or washing dishes, be it while eating, be it while interacting with our family or friends,even be it while going to bed. These mobile phones have traveled across the world & there is no place left untouched. Right from the toilet commode to the most auspicious place of our home, mobile phones are found everywhere. Right from every newborn child to every senior citizen it's present ...

The Best Practices To Follow During Exams!!


The question paper was too lengthy! Even though I knew all the answers I couldn't finish it! 

I didn't have enough time to proofread the answer sheet once before submission. 

Due to the shortage of time I skipped certain questions. 

I probably should try to avoid diagrammatic representation type questions. 

These are some common questions that circulate in a students mind on the day of exam and while writing exam. Even after preparing well for the exam, a student is still not able to perform better or give his 100% while executing it on the answer sheet during the examination. 

In this article I will focus on certain tips which will definitely help you as a learner to give your best with utmost satisfaction during your examination days provided you follow these tips from the moment you receive your scary question paper in your hand till you submit your completely filled answer sheets in the hands of the invigilator. 

So, without much delay let's move on and explore more on the topic. 

The most basic mistakes committed by a learner at the exam center after getting the question paper in hand:

  1. Start solving the paper with full speed without going through the paper completely. 

  1. Becoming over excited seeing the initial easy questions at the beginning of the question paper. 

  1. Becoming blank and disheartened with the challenging questions. 

  1. Poor presentation of answers and skipping certain questions. 

  1. Poor time management leading to submission of incomplete answer sheets. 

And many more mistakes of such kind. 

Here is the list of the 10 tips for best practices to follow while writing any kind of examination:

  1. Run through the question paper:

The worst practice exhibited by many learners is that they start solving the question paper without reading every question thoroughly from start till the end. This is where most learners, though knowing the answers to all the questions, fail to finish the paper completely which ultimately leads to unsatisfactory performance and lack of contentment. It is highly expected from a learner to go through every question on the question paper and plan his or her attempt accordingly before they actually start to solve it, in order to be satisfied with the answers presented. 

  1. Divide time efficiently:

The second most important thing that a learner should do after reading the questions paper is to divide time duration effectively so that justice is done to each and every section and sub questions that appear in the question paper. Suppose, If your exam duration is 2 hours then the first 2 minutes you should spend on reading question paper, 20 - 25 minutes each for different sections and subsections, 10 minutes for drawing diagrams or flowcharts and the last 10 mins for proofreading, presentation and checking the details entered. 

  1. First, Write what you know:

Sometimes it so happens that students in their attempt to solve the question paper sequentially waste a lot of time on the sections or sub questions which they are not so confident about. This leads to incomplete submission of the answer sheet and at the last they realize it's time up. So it's wise to attempt those questions first which you are damn confident about and can write perfectly without much consumption of time. As diagrams and representations are time consuming one can leave space for that and continue writing the answer only to finish it at the end of the paper. This step should encourage writing of proper question number or section number, in order to make it at ease for the teacher. 

  1. Present question in block:

While writing the answers on the answer sheet, ensure to write the question in block letters so that it becomes very easy and convenient for you while proofreading and for the teacher while correcting the answer sheet. Many learners probably don't don't write questions and directly start writing the answers against the question number, considering it as a waste of time. But it is highly recommended that a learner should write the question and then solve it. 

  1. Include apt introduction and conclusion:

Every answer attempted by the student should always start with a simple introduction and end with a convincing conclusion. Practicing this adds good weightage to your answers. The introduction and conclusion should not exceed beyond 3 to 4 lines, otherwise it would happen that your main answer will be hidden and not appealing for the teacher. 

  1. Restrict answer to the question and the marks alloted:

The normal tendency of a learner is that they keep answering to certain favourite questions which appear in the question paper without paying heed to time and maximum marks alloted for that particular question leaving other questions aside. It takes away most of the time and the student finally is forced to submit the incompletely solved question paper. So be wise in reading the question and tailor your answer in such a way that it fits within the said limit. If the question is to express the answers in 200 words or 500 words, it's wise to fit our answers to one and half page or three pages instead of filling the answer sheets with untold and unasked stories and wasting time. 

  1. Write in clear and legible handwriting:

Exam pressure brings in so much of stress and tension that most students are focused much on the completion of the question paper in the stipulated duration failing to present the answer sheets in a neat, clear and understanding handwriting. Handwriting is the first key which attracts and drags the attention of the teacher while correcting the papers. So ensure to present your paper with the best handwriting that you can. 

  1. Highlight the keywords with pencil:

The teacher or the examiner always looks out for the key words or phrases in your answer. Keep in mind to always present your answer using the technical and scientific words expressed in the textbooks or reference books. It is highly recommended to highlight the keywords in your answers by underlining with the pencil so as to quickly grab the attention of the one who is correcting the paper. Ensure that the spellings are written correctly before highlighting. 

  1. Proofread and give finishing touch:

The last 10 minutes of the exam duration should be utilized for the proofreading of the answers presented in the answer sheets. Read all the answers whether there are any spelling mistakes or have you missed any point or forgotten to draw any diagrams etc. In this last session all pending tasks should be done with perfection. Also underline or make boxes for the titles or subtitles or final inference of your answer to better present your answers. 

  1. Check your details and submit:

Due to poor time management a student tends to miss out on this very important point and submits the paper before checking whether the name, seat number, center number, students signature, subject code etc are entered properly or not. Spend the last two minutes cross checking all these important details, do corrections if needed and then prayerfully submit your answer sheets. And that's it you are done. 

Wondering if it is possible to follow these steps when a learner is under exam tension and stress? 

Yes it's possible. These tips will not only help you to finish your paper well before time but will also help you as a learner to present the answer sheets beautifully and smartly. Thereby leaving a good impression on your teacher and winning her heart with your approach. 

So do not delay…..

It's exam season around….

Give your best and flourish. 


Have A Joyful & Cheerful Examination!!! 

By Shobha Joy Gaddam

( Academician & Educator) 


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