Mobile Fasting - An Approach For Brain Detoxification

Introduction The ongoing century wherein the world is deeply plunged in science & technology, electronics & communication & the Internet, a common man just can't undo a day without his/her mobile phones, to be more specific from Social Networking. It's become part & parcel of our everyday life. Even before our eyes could open in the morning and before we remember our Almighty, it's our mobile phone which is in our hand, be it while going for a walk, be it while working out at gym, be it while taking bath & listening to the music or watching a movie, be it while cooking or washing dishes, be it while eating, be it while interacting with our family or friends,even be it while going to bed. These mobile phones have traveled across the world & there is no place left untouched. Right from the toilet commode to the most auspicious place of our home, mobile phones are found everywhere. Right from every newborn child to every senior citizen it's present ...

The 7 Lesson To Learn This Christmas


December is the season of Love, Joy, Peace, Generosity and Care as it marks the Birth of Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ.

India is a Multireligious, Multilingual and Multicultural Country. As a citizen of this secular country we pay due respect to each and every festival and to its rich rituals and cultures. Every school observes every festival and celebrates it with full pomp and splendor in order to impart knowledge and understanding of different religions and its culture. As we welcome Christmas with plenty of happiness in our heart and peace in our mind, let's look into the true message that it has to give to every one of us. 

What is Christmas? 

Christmas is an annual festival commemorating the birth of Jesus Christ, observed primarily on December 25 as a religious and cultural celebration among billions of people around the world.

As Christmas marks the birth of Jesus Christ, there are plenty of lessons that we can learn from the life of Jesus Christ. 

Here is the list of  'The 7 Lessons to learn this Christmas'

  1. Give To The Needy Out Of Your Poverty

The Holy Bible says: 'Whoever sows sparingly will also reap sparingly, and whoever sows generously will also reap generously. Each of you should give what you have decided in your heart to give, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver'. 

Many of us though having plenty of most of the things but we hesitate to give to the needy and to the poor. The value of giving has great rewards stored for us which will definitely be experienced in our life on this earth. So learn to give out of your poverty and experience the blessings it showers on you. 

  1. Forgive And Forget

The Holy Bible says : 'Let all bitterness and wrath and anger and clamor and slander be put away from you, along with all malice. Be kind to one another, tenderhearted, forgiving one another, as God in Christ forgave you'. 

Christ is the true classic example of forgiveness. Even when he was crucified he asked for the forgiveness of people who crucified him. Even we as a student and teacher should learn to have the same attitude towards our life and not hold any grudges towards anyone for anything. 

  1. Fight Atrocities With Peace 

The Holy Bible says : “Put your sword back into its place. For all who take the sword will perish by the sword'. 

Jesus was a true example of peace who won the hearts of the masses. As a student and teacher we do experience many different kinds of injustice and wrong things happening in and around us. Few overreact, some react and many others let it go away. But the one who fights with understanding and peace always wins the battle with great outcome. So it's important that we fight our battles in silence. 

  1. Be Thankful For Situations Good Or Bad

The Holy Bible says : 'Rejoice always, pray continually, give thanks in all circumstances; for this is God's will'. 

We as students and teachers generally have a practice of thanking our God when we experience something good in our life. But never when something wrong or bad happens in our life. We will party hard for the good things and curse fast when the bad things happen. So we all should learn to be the same in good as well as in bad times, in all circumstances we should be thankful for every new day that starts in our life. 

  1. Love Without Discrimination

The Holy Bible says : ‘You shall love your neighbor as yourself.’ There is no other commandment greater than these'. 

We normally love people of equal cadre and keep others lower than us. We discriminate against others depending on their family background, financial status, educational capabilities, profession, religion, caste etc. Though we are the true citizens of our mother country India still we fail to keep our pledge of 'All Indians are my brothers and sisters'. One should definitely learn to love every one without expectations and respect in return. 

  1. Experience The Power Of Your Prayer

The Holy Bible says : 'Therefore I tell you, whatever you ask in prayer, believe that you have received it, and it will be yours'.

Prayer has the power of doing mighty wonders in your life. One need not be a priest to pray for others but simplicity and purity of heart is what is required for experiencing great miracles. We normally have practice of praying for ourselves but hardly we pray for others and their needs. Sparing separate devotional time for yourself and for others can result in showers of abundance of blessings being added to everyone's life with your ceaseless prayer. 

  1. Be Faithful To Everyone

The Holy Bible says : 'One who is faithful in a very little is also faithful in much, and one who is dishonest in a very little is also dishonest in much'.

Corruption is everywhere and so is in our hearts too. This keeps us away from many true gifts of life. We judge people by their actions and their deeds but we fail to gain faith through our actions and deeds. So we all should learn to be trustworthy and faithful in all the ways of our life. Do not always doubt others but trust that nothing wrong will happen in your way. 

As students and teachers we being overambitious tend to neglect these life lessons to experience downfall later in our life. So put this to your everyday practice and experience the everlasting love from the Lord above.


 Shobha Joy Gaddam

(Academician & Educator) 


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