Mobile Fasting - An Approach For Brain Detoxification

Introduction The ongoing century wherein the world is deeply plunged in science & technology, electronics & communication & the Internet, a common man just can't undo a day without his/her mobile phones, to be more specific from Social Networking. It's become part & parcel of our everyday life. Even before our eyes could open in the morning and before we remember our Almighty, it's our mobile phone which is in our hand, be it while going for a walk, be it while working out at gym, be it while taking bath & listening to the music or watching a movie, be it while cooking or washing dishes, be it while eating, be it while interacting with our family or friends,even be it while going to bed. These mobile phones have traveled across the world & there is no place left untouched. Right from the toilet commode to the most auspicious place of our home, mobile phones are found everywhere. Right from every newborn child to every senior citizen it's present ...

The 7 Aspects Every Student Should Keep In Mind Before Framing Their New Year Resolution


As the new year is knocking on our doors, so are the students who are busy writing their goals and resolutions for the new year. As a student we normally focus much on our academic goals and give in day and night to achieve it. This can be at the cost of our health and mental peace and can take us away from the normal crowd. Achieving and conquering academic goals is not the only challenge that a student faces but there are other aspects which are closely associated with it which ultimately leads to one's success. So in this article I will be talking about the different aspects that we as a student should ponder on to have holistic learning. 

Let us look at what this aspects are:

  1. Good Health over Good Physique

As a student we simply dream to have 6 pack abs or size zero as the celebrities actors and actresses have. But this is not what a student should aim for. As a student we are involved in many different kinds of activities which involve great health as a support. If we run behind having an impressive figure and physique then we might be relying on many things like food, sleep, etc which might later take a toll on us. Choosing Good health by healthy eating and right exercising over just the appearance can be a better way of maintaining good physique. 

  1. Mental Peace over Peaceful Ambience

Students are easily put under pressure by the school, college or university and also by their family and friends which ultimately spoils the mental balance and peace. Good mental health and peace can be maintained by observing and practising meditation and yoga on a regular basis. Also good time management and work management skills are required to maintain mental peace. 

  1. Gaining Knowledge & Understanding over Gaining Titles & Degrees

Students have a tendency and crave for adding higher qualifications, degrees and great titles to their names, in the process of which they forget the actual purpose of learning through understanding and fail to gain sufficient knowledge. It is just merely fulfilling the task for the purpose of just gaining the title or degree but not with the intention of learning for life and implementing those in near future for proper functioning of the society. 

  1. Beauty of Brain over Self Beauty

Beautiful you is not the prime aspect for a student but the beauty of the brain is what is desirable. Instead of presenting yourself beautifully in front of others, choosing to speak beautifully with your brain is what is desirable. Beauty should reside not externally but internally a beautiful brain is optimum for a student. 

  1. Financial Maturity over Financial Stability

Managing daily expenses for a student is challenging. Due to the varied distractions the world has to offer, youths are easily carried away by the whims and fancies of the world and end up making unwanted expenses. What is expected at this phase of life is not stability in your finances but a better maturity towards your expenses. Spending only when it is required and highly needful can lead to a better financial maturity at an early stage of line. A single penny saved today can help to build a better future tomorrow. 

  1. Fun Learning over Forceful Learning

Learning should always be a fun process wherein you enjoy whatever you do and not just a mere forceful act. If you enjoy what you are doing then things would be quite easy and simple for you. But if not that then it would lead to boredom and loss of interest. Do not learn just because your parents are expecting great things from you but do it because you have to shape your own future. You know yourself better than anyone else, analyse your strength and weakness and accordingly choose your path of learning. 

  1. Asking in Prayers over Asking Others

Sounds unscientific. But truly there is some supernatural power which guides and rules you and your life. The one who fulfills our needs at its right time. The one who opens the doors of opportunities at its right time. The one who answers our unanswered question. Yes! It's our God. Remember to seek his blessing in everything new you take up as a challenge and thou shall guide you in the right path. 

Ever thought that these small small things too can change your life. Yes it's true! Give it a try. 

So, I hope that next time when you frame your new year's resolution, you will definitely keep these aspects in mind and frame beautiful resolutions and stand up to fulfill it devotionally. 

All the Best!! 

Wishing you all a very happy and prosperous new year!! 

Happy Learning!! 

By Shobha Joy Gaddam

(Academician & Educator) 


  1. Your articles contribute to the right type of growth of students. My suggestion is to avoid the Ads in your blog pages (that you cannot choose) which will divert the mind of the students from your articles. Counter-effective.


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