Mobile Fasting - An Approach For Brain Detoxification

Introduction The ongoing century wherein the world is deeply plunged in science & technology, electronics & communication & the Internet, a common man just can't undo a day without his/her mobile phones, to be more specific from Social Networking. It's become part & parcel of our everyday life. Even before our eyes could open in the morning and before we remember our Almighty, it's our mobile phone which is in our hand, be it while going for a walk, be it while working out at gym, be it while taking bath & listening to the music or watching a movie, be it while cooking or washing dishes, be it while eating, be it while interacting with our family or friends,even be it while going to bed. These mobile phones have traveled across the world & there is no place left untouched. Right from the toilet commode to the most auspicious place of our home, mobile phones are found everywhere. Right from every newborn child to every senior citizen it's present ...

5 Phrases Of Misconceptions Among The Would Be Teachers Before Pursuing Teachers Training Courses (B.Ed, D. T. Ed or ECCED)


It requires great passion and love for the subject to be a great teacher. But sooner the definition of teacher is changed as the generation is changing too. Aspirants are more focused towards just the achievement of the final training passing certificate than in learning the actual teaching skills and teaching methodologies. Many of the new aspirants are only interested in pursuing the training as a distance learning course though enrolled in as a regular course. Whereas many others just lately realize to enroll into a teacher training course to become a permanent employee of an educational organization. Whereas most are just put by force into the field to dedicate their time for the family and kids. 

Teachers are the pillars of strength and the guiding force in a student's life. Teachers pass on values to children, prepare them for further education, and are the main contributor to good education in a society. Therefore it is highly expected from teachers that they be very perfect in their work and systematic in their approach. 


  1. Teachers training courses help an aspirant to develop not only in the coursework but also teaches the skills required for practical work while delivering the contents. 

  2. It enables an aspirant to be updated with the new methodologies.

  3. It enables an aspirant to know recent and changing trends in the field of education. 

  4. It enables an aspirant to become smart in management skills and evaluation skills. 

  5. It enables an aspirant to express themselves. 

  6. It enables an aspirant to learn new teaching strategies. 

  7. It enables an aspirant to know the different features of school child. 

  8. It enables an aspirant to know about the varying psychological behaviours of a child. 

But many teachers just plunge in this course with the wrong concept and land up being incompletely trained. The following are the certain misconceptions that many of us might still have in us. 

  1. I am already a great teacher! 

Its one of the major misconceptions that most aspirants possess before enrolling for any teachera training course. Appreciation should come from people around us and not by self. When we say that we are already a great teacher, we leave little to no scope in improving our teaching skills. A great teacher is not recognised by her exuberant expression of the concept but also the smooth coordination, management and cooperation between the co-teachers and students. 

  1. I possess great teaching skills! 

Most aspirants jump into the teachers training course with the wrong conception that they possess great teaching skills. But later after finishing the regular course many of them realize that there are so many things which were unknown to us. The different teaching skills are sharpened and done smoothly by the guides and mentors of teachers training courses who have mastered themselves in teaching the teachers. The skills learnt throughout the course are Critical thinking skills, Patience, Communication skills, Organisational skills, Creative thinking abilities, Leadership skills, Capacity for teamwork, Time management skills etc. 

  1. I just want a valid training certificate! 

Many of the aspirants get into the field just for the sake of obtaining the Teacher Training Certificate so as to secure their future professional career. Certification obtained through such ways carry less weightage as a professional teacher than the one obtained through real rigorous training delivered in the full time regular course. As an aspirant misses out on the important skills required for self development and growth as a professional teacher.


  1. I can give enough time for my family too! 

'Teachers job is the best job for female candidates', we mostly hear this statement from our grandparents or parents etc. This is said keeping in view the daily family chorus and children's nurturing on a daily basis and attending to their needs on an emergency basis. But if you are a true professionally trained teacher with better skills, in the process of teachers training aspirants learn the ways of managing their personal and professional life too. So that we are able to give justice to everything that we do in our life. 

  1. I will manage classes and appear only for exams! 

Even after enrolling in the regular full time course, many aspirants manage to bunk regular lectures through unfair means and attend the college only during their submissions and during external exams. Will this add to our professional worth? It's a big question to ask ourselves. It's just because during the teachers training session, students are also taught the way of expressing their answers in an acceptable way so as to present the answers apt as per the question. 

Hope by now we have understood the actual meaning of teachers training course. Kindly take it seriously as the future of our nation is in our hands. Being a teacher it's a big responsibility put on our shoulders. We are helping our society to develop better. 

So, Do jump in the teaching field only when you are completely trained and passionate for teaching as the lives of many innocent souls are in our hands. 

Happy Learning!!! 

Enjoy Training!!! 

By Shobha Joy Gaddam

(Academician & Educator) 


  1. Nice article for trainee teachers also.


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