Mobile Fasting - An Approach For Brain Detoxification

Introduction The ongoing century wherein the world is deeply plunged in science & technology, electronics & communication & the Internet, a common man just can't undo a day without his/her mobile phones, to be more specific from Social Networking. It's become part & parcel of our everyday life. Even before our eyes could open in the morning and before we remember our Almighty, it's our mobile phone which is in our hand, be it while going for a walk, be it while working out at gym, be it while taking bath & listening to the music or watching a movie, be it while cooking or washing dishes, be it while eating, be it while interacting with our family or friends,even be it while going to bed. These mobile phones have traveled across the world & there is no place left untouched. Right from the toilet commode to the most auspicious place of our home, mobile phones are found everywhere. Right from every newborn child to every senior citizen it's present ...

The 7 Wh Questions Every Student Teacher Should Ponder On Before Accepting Teaching Job Offer As A Fresher In Any Private Or Self Financed Schools


[If you are Pursuing B. Ed, D. Ed or ECCEd and worried about which institution should you serve and why, then do read this article till the end as it will give several eye opening points which generally are not worked upon before accepting any new job offers in any educational institutions by the student teachers]

A student teacher or practice teacher is a college or university graduate student who  teaches under the supervision of a certified teacher in order to qualify for a degree in education. After successful completion of the course the student teachers are bestowed with M. ED, B. ED, D. ED OR ECCED degree or diploma certification. 

With the rising surge in the number of private unaided or self financed schools, there is always a rise in the high number of requirements of well qualified, experienced, smart and talented teachers. In order to meet the huge expectations of the community, these types of schools are found to be very strict and disciplined in their code of conduct, workforce planning and working environment of the school. The student teachers being freshly inducted as trained teachers, soon get attracted to the whims and fancy environment of the school / college campus and in a hurry without much thought process over the background of the institution they take up the opportunity of serving a specific organization. In which 30% succeed whereas the remaining fail to give their best and land up leaving the organization in a year or so. This happens because we as a fresher look only towards the outer ambience but not the actual working environment of the school internally. 

Let me tell you friends, working in a private unaided and self financed school or college is like subjecting yourself to the bed of thorns. It is not an easy ride. So, in this article I am going to enlist a few important pointers which you as a student teacher should always remember and find the answers for before accepting any job offer. 

  1. When Was The Institution Established? 

The year in which the institution is established is one of the key important features to understand how old or new an institution is. It is important because the older the institution, the more systematic and organised way the school functions. But on the other hand, the more novel the institution, it's nothing but an everyday struggle for the teachers to manage with the unorganized way of organizational climate, the available human resources, financial resources, teaching resources, etc.

  1. Who Are The Founders Of The School?

Does it really matter for us to know who the founders of the school are? Yes it's highly important for every teacher to find the complete profile of the founders. It helps us to understand the actual motto behind the opening of the school. Is it really for spreading genuine  education? Or Is it just to make business out of education? Being a teacher, one can truly understand that education is not business. And hence it's important for us to know the educational background of the founders, their real motive behind the opening of the school, their thoughts on education and upliftment of nation, their curiosity to bring something new for the students on a regular basis and their eagerness to grow in education and growth of students and teachers. 

  1. Which All Facilities Or Incentives You Will Be Applicable For? 

Whenever you approach any new institution, do not leave any stone unturned to know about the different facilities and pattern of incentives or performance appraisal that you will be applicable for. Be it PF, Personal loan, yearly performance bonus, maternity leave (paid or unpaid), sick leave, casual leave,  study leave, medical leave, encashment of pending leave etc. This also includes the number of working days in a week (whether 5 days school or 6 days school), any special holidays apart from those approved by the education department, traveling allowances or reimbursement, medical allowances or reimbursement etc. It can also include, The different kinds or types of training and self development courses organized by the institution for all the teachers, the seminars, conferences , workshops etc

  1. What Are The Conditions Written In The Bond Or Agreement? 

Many times fancy promises are made to the teachers at the time of their incumbent interviews and appointments. But when it comes to implementation of those promises, bonds or agreements are being signed by every private unaided or self financed institution. Hence it is very important for every new teacher to read each and every statement of the bond or agreement very carefully and if you find it suitable for you then only take a step forward and sign over it. Otherwise one can just reject the offer due to disagreement on certain clauses mentioned in the agreement. Disagreement is mostly observed in the cases of notice period, appointment as an ad-hoc teacher, long working duration, poor job profile and job description etc. So, one needs to be very clear on the terms and conditions on which you will be working as a teacher. 

  1. Where Do You See Yourself In The Next 5 Years Of Working In The Same Institution? 

Every teacher is self motivated to do something unique and differently unlike their co-teachers, this quality makes them stand tall among the other crowd. Every institution which is established does not have the common pattern of organizational climate or workforce planning. It varies from institution to institution. Analysis of the above 4 questions will help you to get the answer to this question. Stagnation is the common problem that is noticed in many teachers. So be alert to frame your journey well in the institution in such a way that you reach a level up in the next few years of joining. 

  1. How The Working Environment Is Going To Be? 

Many teachers have frequent complaints regarding the working pattern of private, unaided or self financed institutions that these organizations follow a strict methodical order or  steps and strict discipline in terms of work, time, teaching, extra activities, interaction with the parents, interaction with the other co-teachers and non-teaching staff, behaviour inside the school premises etc. In many organizations teachers are not allowed to sit in the classroom during their lectures, teachers are forced to surrender their mobile phones at the registration counter, many institutions have fixed reporting time but no out time, over interruption from the management or principal and many more in the same lines. These types of expectations from the organization makes a good teacher uncomfortable to move forward with the proposal. Hence, think million times, check the reviews of the past teachers and other employees and then decide whether to accept the offer or reject it 

  1. Why Should You Shortlist A Specific Institution?

Now having received answers of the above questions and having experienced many other different organizations too, take out an hour to sit and write the different contrasting features of every school that you might have visited. Remember always, that to not only finalize your decision by considering only the many positive points one side side but also equal weightage you should give to balance out the positive and negative features and then come to a conclusion. Feature out your prime most prominent reason for why you should go for a particular institution. 

Ever wonder, that these petty things too are quite important than mere selection on the basis of personal interview and Demo lesson observation? Yes, it is. 

Aim for the sky and experience the stars. 

All The Best!!! 

Happy Teaching!!! 

By Shobha Joy Gaddam

(Academician & Educator) 


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